How Do You Get Baby To Nap In The Swing

Baby nap is perhaps the toughest task for the parents especially when the kid is in a cranky mood. You must have bought the baby swing to ease the grouchy mood swing of the child!

But in reality, placing the baby in the swing will not help you to lull the kid into a nap. It is rightly said that there is actually no formula for putting your baby to nap. It’s entirely the mother’s instinct that leads them to success.

When I became a mother, my motherly instinct helped me a lot, and of course, my baby swing acted as a great assistant for the baby’s sleep management.

However, don’t assume that the baby swings are simply magical! Don’t expect that you will place your baby in the swing and the child will immediately fall in asleep.

No matter how efficient you are in managing a baby, getting a cranky baby to nap in a swing is a tricky task you may need to master.

Don’t make eye contact

Don’t make eye contact
A peaceful baby nap in the swing, swaying gently into dreamland.

Do you know that eye contact with your little angel stimulates his pulse and makes him proactive?
Yes, it’s true.

As opined by Dr. Lan Greene, author of the parenting related bestseller “From First Kicks to First Steps”.

Dr. Greene has suggested that while you have placed your baby in the swing, try to avoid eye contact with the tiny-tot. It will compel him to close his eyes and get seduced to sleep faster. I have tried it, and you too will be benefitted if tried!

Keep the room temperature cool

Have you ever felt that a cooler room helps you to get sleepy faster? This is applicable to the baby too.

Besides placing your baby in a comfortable swing, regulate the temperature of the room at a little low! The cooler ambiance will help you to get your kid asleep faster.

At least 5 pairs of parents have expressed their positive reaction against this recommendation of Dr. Greene. Besides the baby swing and its rhythmic motion, the cooler temperature of the room will put him into deep sleep for sure.

Put the room light at dim

Put the room light at dim
Dreams take flight as the baby naps soundly in the swing.

I always feel that darkness is sleep-friendly, don’t you?

Babies do feel the same. While you have placed the baby in the swing and set the swinging motion on the go, it’s time to light a dim lamp. This cool ambiance will bring faster snooze to your baby doll.

The dim light, swinging motion, and motherly cuddle will surely set your baby’s mood for a sleepy session. Now it’s time to add some noise to your support.

Add some noise in your room

Don’t you find the idea of adding noise contradictory for creating a slumbering setting?

But believe me, for babies, it is a comforting milieu because, in a mother’s womb, they keep on hearing a lingering sound exactly like a vacuum cleaner rolling on.

Adding the same rattling noise in the background will surely boost your baby’s comfort level. It is already proven that at the time of nap babies mostly love rhythmic sound.

Try a white noise machine or keep on running something like a dishwasher!

Believe me! This noisy background will exaggerate the rocking motion of the baby swing, and your baby will get sleepy immediately.

Put a nighttime diaper

Put on a good diaper on the baby darling so that you can skip the idea of changing the diaper or nappy! Do you love the idea of changing your intimate apparel at night?

When you have placed your baby on the swing, and it’s time to get into a nap for the baby, a good quality diaper is a great relief for his night sleep.

Make sure that you use diaper cream to prevent the risk of nappy rash! The use of a good diaper will help you to keep your baby dry while sleeping.

Believe me; the baby will sleep well if the dryness can be well maintained!

Must Read This Article: When To Start Cloth Diapers on Your Newborn.

Give the baby a gentle massage

Do you consider the idea of the body massage of the kid to be quite embellished?

Believe me; I had the same creepy feeling when my doctor suggested offering a gentle massage to my 3-month old newborn.

But gradually I started getting a good result. The gentle and affectionate massage session with the baby will help you to lull him in a nap?

While you are using the swing, try the gentle massage to pamper the baby and its sleepy mood.

Final verdict

Hopefully, you will find the tips for how you get your baby to nap in the swing quite relevant and practical.

Try these 6 tips while cuddling your baby for his night’s sleep next. The swing and the tips will work for each other for best baby nap management.

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